
Based in Montreal, Equitas https://equitas.org/ is Canada’s most recognized and active human rights education organization. They work for the advancement of equality, social justice and respect for human dignity through transformative education programs. In the last 50 years, they have reached over 3.2 million people worldwide.

Here are some of the programs Equitas has designed specifically for young people’s HRE:

National Child Day Activities – National-Child-Day_BOOKLET

Play It Fair program for younger children.  Here are materials for it:

PiF-Day-Guide         TK_PIF_Sample_2014_FINAL_copyright_web

Speaking Rights – HRE program guide for older children – SpeakingRightsSample

Tips for child inclusion and participation – PIF-Tips-for-Inclusion-and-Participation

Fortune Teller for Child Rights handout to play – PIF-child-rights-fortune-teller

Youth participation in community – Middle East and Northern Africa programs   Recueil-EN-Mosharka-Equitas

Make sure to check out the other Equitas programs and materials that are located throughout their website or the training4excellence.com free HRE materials lists!