Child Rights Curriculum in Canada

Canada’s commitment to making sure that children and youth know about their rights, and how to access them, can be demonstrated from coast to coast.  Here are some of their curriculum materials and resources.

Make to also check out the HRE resources in the Equitas section.  Equitas was founded in Canada and does work there as well as globally.

National Child Day in Canada – this link has many different resources for educating and promoting child rights.  Check it out!


Equitas is an internationally renown human rights training organization that was founded in Canada.  Check out more of their resources under the Equitas heading in this section, or go to

Men For Change

Exposing gender stereotypes – Here are three lessons that address gender stereotypes. The objective of these lesson is to encourage students  to develop their own critical intelligence with regard to culturally inherited stereotypes, and to the images presented in the media – film and television, rock music, newspapers and magazines.     Lesson_Exposing_Gender_Stereotypes

UNICEF Canada resources:
