Words, communication, respect and name calling

How does one respond to being called disparaging names because of one’s sexual orientation? These guides provide suggestions.

You can download the  Pride Education Network’s guide to Dealing With Name Calling here:    dealing-with-name-calling

University of Minnesota Human Rights Library has a guide on Words Really Matter that focuses on how students and teachers talk to each other and about LGBTQ+ issues at school.  Its activity helps students to

  • To examine the power of words to shape how we come to understand sexuality
  • To challenge harmful connotations or stereotypes in language used to describe sexual orientation
  • To gain sensitivity and multiple perspectives on language used to describe sexual orientation

It also contains

Handout 1: Words Around Us

You can download it here:


They have a Defining Terms handout at  http://hrlibrary.umn.edu/edumat/hreduseries/TB3/act1/a1h2.html

Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN)

Dealing With Name Calling – You can download the guide here:


Ready, Set Respect Curriculum – This is a 68 page tool kit to help children learn how to respect each other.      GLSEN Ready Set Respect

No Name Calling Week – activities to prevent a variety of types of bullying


These activity resources include:

Beauty is Skin Deep 

Students explore their experiences or with name-calling based on physical appearance.

Blow the Whistle on Name-Calling

Students develop a strategy for group self-monitoring of name-calling in the Physical Education class.

Building a Bully-Free Building

Students imagine a school without name-calling and bullying.

Garden of Kindness

Students create a classroom or school-wide display to demonstrate their commitment to kindness.

I Was Just Kidding

Student distinguish between good-natured teasing and bullying through discussion of fictional scenarios.

It’s All in a Name

Students explore what names are, why they are important to us, and what the difference between names that feel good to hear and names that feel bad to hear.

Pinky and Rex and the Bully

Students read and discuss James Howe’s classic book.

Poetic Reactions

Students express their feelings regarding name‐calling using an artistic form of poetry.

Poster Design

Students work together to develop visual expressions of no name‐calling messages.

Situation Re-Creation

Students analyze name‐calling experiences to reflect on why it happened and how it could have ended differently.

Staying Safe

Students learn concrete strategies for what to do if they are being called names or bullied so that they can stay safe and healthy.

Think Before You Act

Students identify what they value about how people treat each other and fashion their statements into a class “code of ethics.”

We’re All Different Alike

An opportunity for students to feel united with their peers by both their similarities and their differences.

What if It’s Not Me

Students explore what they can do.

Here are other activities that you may find of values in helping students to use more respectful language and actions.

Misgendering and respect for pronouns – In this GLSEN activity, groups, students will watch a video about pronouns, have a conversation about pronouns, and discuss misgendering. As a class, students discuss ways to combat misgendering and how they can make sure that the gender pronouns of all students are respected.   https://www.glsen.org/article/misgendering-and-respect-pronouns




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